Opening Hours & Tickets
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday | 10am - 5pm |
Saturday | 11am - 5pm |
First Sunday of the Month | 1pm - 5pm |
Other Sundays & Public Holidays | Closed |
Individual Visits
Adults (26-65) | 10 € |
Students (18-26) / Senior Citizens (+65) / Disabled People | 8 € |
Young People (12-18) / Jobseekers | Free |
Kids (-12) / Teachers / Journalists | Free |
Brussels Card / ICOM / Museum Pass / Pass 365 / Riebedebie | Free |
Museum Audio Guide | 2 € |
Guided Museum Tours
Tour of the Museum
Enjoy our guided tour to discover Freemasonry, from its origins to its international spreading. You will discover the philosophy, customs, regalia and ornaments, masonic art, curiosities, paintings and graphics.
1h30 | Max. 20p | 90€ + Admission Fee pp | FR/NL/EN
Tour of the Museum and a Temple
Combine your visit to the museum with a discovery of a Masonic Temple, the lodge or workplace, for a total immersion in the history and symbolism of Freemasonry.
2h | Max. 20p | 150€ + Admission Fee pp | FR/NL/EN

Guided Tour of the Temples
Tour of the Temples
Visit the Masonic Temples in the rue de Laeken. The Middle Temple and the Great Temple in the Egyptian style of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the English Temple, rich in Masonic symbols of the high degrees and the Blue Temple in a style already heralding the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels, embodying innovation and modernism.
1h30 | Max. 20p | 90€ + Admission Fee pp | FR/NL/EN
Tour of the Temples and Mason Artists
Visit the 4 Temples and learn about the works of famous Freemason artists from the Belgian Symbolism and Art Nouveau movements, such as Julien Dillens, Victor Rousseau and Jean Delville. Their works adorn the aisles and courts of the Temples in the building.
2h | Max. 20p | 120€ + Admission Fee pp | FR/NL/EN
Guided Masonic City Tours
Masonic Tour
During this tour you will discover the often avant-garde role of Freemasons in the political, economic, cultural and social life of Brussels in addition to their part in the emancipatory and social history of our country.
2h | Max. 20p | 10€ pp | FR/NL/EN
Art Nouveau & Masonic Tour
Whether they were architects or sculptors, many masons left their mark on certain districts of Brussels. Emblematic figures such as Victor Horta and Paul Hankar are important names of Art Nouveau. Join us as we explore their artistic legacy in the capital’s urban history.
2h | Max. 20p | 10€ pp | FR/NL/EN